Full Name: Date of Birth: Address: Phone Number: Employer (Company Name): Position/Job Title: Driver's License Number: License Type: Select License Type Class A Class B Class C Next High Blood Pressure: Yes/No Yes No Diabetes: Yes/No Yes No Heart Disease: Yes/No Yes No Seizures: Yes/No Yes No Hearing/Vision Problems: Yes/No Yes No Sleep Apnea: Yes/No Yes No Other Chronic Conditions: BackNext Blood Pressure: Pulse: Height: Weight: BMI: Vision Test: Select Vision Test Result Normal Impaired Left Eye Vision: Right Eye Vision: Corrected Vision (if applicable): Color Vision: Normal/Abnormal Normal Abnormal Hearing Test (whisper test or audiometry results): BackNext Head and Neck: Lungs and Chest: Heart: Abdomen: Extremities (Arms and Legs): Spine and Back: Neurological: BackNext Is the driver on any medication that may impair ability to drive? Yes/No Yes No Any history of seizure, fainting, or dizziness? Yes/No Yes No Any history of substance abuse or disqualifying medical conditions? Yes/No Yes No Does the driver meet the physical and mental requirements for safe driving? Yes/No Yes No Is the driver medically qualified? Yes/No Yes No If No, state reasons and recommendations for treatment or further evaluation: Certification Expiration Date: BackNext Physician’s Signature: Date of Examination: Physician’s License Number: Facility Name: Facility Contact Information: Print Form SubmitBack